英文添削結果を受け取りました【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Student Resources / Dress Code



A young lady was invited to a dinner party.  Because she was suffering from a slight case of hay fever, she brought two handkerchiefs, one of which she stuck in her bosom so that she could reach it easily.


When she needed a fresh handkerchief at dinner, she tried to retrieve it from her bosom but could not locate it easily.  As she was rummaging through her bosom for the handkerchief, it suddenly hit her that the conversation around her had stopped and she was being watched by everyone.


Totally embarrassed, she murmured, “I know I had two (handkerchiefs) when I came.”  She murmured the part in the parentheses only in her mind, not saying it out loud.  She thought this would explain her situation.


But it didn’t work as she had expected.  The people around her didn’t know that she was searching for the handkerchief and were curious as to what she was doing.  When they heard what she murmured, they imagined something else and were surprised all the more.