ジョークを英語で解釈してみましょう【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Young girl on a shopping spree Royalty Free Vector Ima



A married couple has been out shopping for hours when the wife realizes that her husband has disappeared.  So she calls his cell phone.

“Where are you?!” she yells.


“Darling,” he says, “do you remember that jewelry shop, the one where you saw that diamond necklace you loved?  But I didn’t have enough money at the time, so I said, ‘Baby, it’ll be yours one day’?”

“Yes!” she shouts excitedly.


“Well, I’m in the bar next door.”


(トークラインのご利用者様にお送りしている8月8日付のHANDOUTの一部で、The Reader’s Digestからの転載です)