
Three retired guys were sitting on a bench at a beach. “How did you get here?”, the first man asked the second.
The second man related his story. He had a textile factory, and was doing pretty well for a long time. But the competition with other companies got fierce, and then his water pipes burst and ruined all his machinery. Fortunately, he was insured, so he retired and came to live at the beach. He asked the first man the same question.
The first man’s story was almost the same as the second man’s. His business was doing well for a long time, but when it began to turn bad, a fire broke out and he lost everything. Fortunately, he too was insured, so he retired and came to live at the beach. He asked the third man the same question.
His situation was almost the same as the former two. But the disaster by which he received the insurance money was a hurricane.
The two men were stunned by this revelation. Each of the men, while telling his story, remembered the moment when he damaged the water pipes, or set fire to his factory, and each man could clearly visualize what the other had been actually doing. They had suspected the third man to have a similar background to theirs. But it was clear that a hurricane could not possibly be used as an insurance claim scam. They knew that some people honestly receive insurance payments as a result of a genuine natural disaster, although in their lives, they had never met such a man face to face. After looking at each other, they scrutinized the face of the third man, the first man they had ever met who seemed to have honestly received insurance money.