英文添削結果を受け取りました【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:10 Interesting Home Gadgets & Accessories That Will Wow Your Guests This Lunar New Year – 8days



An obviously new bride was listening to a clerk at the home appliances counter.


The clerk enthusiastically recommended an electrically timed egg cooker, saying, “Your husband’s boiled eggs would be just right when timed by this.”


The newlywed showed no interest.  “Ah, I don’t need it,” she said, and continued, “John likes his eggs the way I make them.  I look out the window and start boiling when the traffic light is green.  When it turns red, and then green again, they’re done.”


She was still in the honeymoon phase with her deeply affectionate husband, who accepted everything she made just as it was.