英文添削結果を受け取りました【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Why You Should Christmas Shop in Store vs Online [SPONSORED]



During the last days of the Christmas rush in one of New York’s largest department stores, a sales clerk, exhausted from serving pushy women shoppers, was writing a sales check, hopefully for the last customer of the day.


As the customer gave her name and address, a general idea about the place came to the clerk’s mind: the area always crowded with people and obstacles, making it difficult to even walk through, thus notorious among the delivery people. In spite of herself, she remarked, “It’s a madhouse, isn’t it?”


“No,” the customer replied pleasantly. “It’s a private home.”


The customer had been fed up with hearing that particular word, “madhouse,” used by everyone to describe the area where she lived as chaotic. Hearing the expression used even by the sales clerk, she jokingly countered that her house was a private home, not the kind of institution the word suggested.