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画像引用:More 140 Madhouse Synonyms. Similar words for Madhouse.



During the last days of the Christmas rush in one of New York’s largest department stores, a sales clerk, exhausted with serving the pushy women shoppers, was writing a sales check for hopefully the last customer of the day.


As the customer gave her name and address, a general idea about the place came to the clerk’s mind: the area always crowded with people and obstacles, making it difficult even going through, thus notorious among the delivery people.  In spite of herself, she remarked, “It’s a madhouse, isn’t it?”


“No,” the customer replied pleasantly.  “It’s a private home.”


This customer had been fed up with hearing the particular word from everyone about the area where she lived, a madhouse, meaning the area was a chaos.  She just heard the expression again from the sales clerk, so she jokingly countered that her house was a private home, not the kind of institution the word could have suggested.