英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:ArtStation – Antique Candle Holder



The Rural Electrification Administration in Washington received a letter one day from a man living in the mountain area in West Virginia State.


The letter was for inquiring them how to avoid burning his hands.  Perplexed why this man had chosen their office to inquire about avoiding burning, they sent him a letter asking if he really meant to send his letter to their office.  Exchange of letters revealed a surprising fact.


Every room of this man’s home had been completely wired, but he had only one light bulb.  Every time he moved from one room to another, he would unscrew the lighted bulb and take it to the room it was needed and screw it there.


Electricity had finally reached the man’s house deep in the mountain many years behind schedule than the urban area, and the electrician had left one light bulb for him.  He was used to moving around in his house with the candle holder in his hand, so naturally he did the same with the light bulb.  As a result, each time he unscrewed the hot light bulb, his hands got burned, which was a nuisance he suffered every day.  He desperately needed an advice from someone.  Where else could he have thought of but the government office which had brought him the light bulb?