英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Best exercises to improve your swing – Mind Power Golf



For years, a minister and a professor had enjoyed golf together.  They were evenly matched, and each saw the other as a rival.


Then one spring the professor suddenly made progress in the game, and the minister became regularly beaten.  The minister tried to improve his own game, but to no avail.


It was then that he had a brilliant idea.  At a bookstore, he picked out three how-to play-golf texts, and had them sent to the professor for a birthday present.  Before long, their winning rates went back to even.


Having read three how-to-play-golf texts, the professor got totally confused, and lost his technique he had found by himself on spring.  The minister, who had realized that trying to improve his own technique didn’t work, had shaped a plan to worsen his opponent’s technique, and it worked.