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画像引用:Why Call Them Blue Bloods ?



Charles Feldman, the producer, lost big at gin rummy with Alexander Korda, the movie director, one evening.  The amount due far exceeded his cash on hand, so Feldman mailed a check the next day.


He wrote it in red ink, and attached a note: “Dear Alex, my pocket is bleeding.  I used my blood to write this check.”


A few nights later, Korda lost a great deal to Feldman.  As he couldn’t afford to pay with his cash on hand, Korda mailed a check to Feldman the next day.  It was written in blue ink, and a note was attached: “Dear Charlie, my pocket is bleeding, too.  I used my blood to write this check as you did.  But be sure to note the difference in color.” Signed “SIR Alexander Korda.”


Korda, from Hungary, had been awarded a knighthood for his achievement in the British movie industry and was entitled to place the title of “Sir” before his name.  In other words, he had become a nobleman.  Since long ago, noblemen were said to have blue blood because their veins were visible through their fair skin as a result of not engaging in field work.  So, Korda proudly wrote that, unlike Feldman, he had nobleman’s blood,  which was blue in color.  Korda’s blood was supposed to be blue only for his lifetime because the knighthood was effective for only one generation.