ジョークを英語で解釈してみましょう【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:The Unisex Winter Parka | Everlane



Jim arrives home to find his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat.  He rushes over and rouses her.  It’s then that he notices that she’s wearing a parka and a mink.

“Are you okay?  What are you doing?”  he asks.


“You’ve been promising to paint the living room for months now,” she explains groggily.  “I wanted to prove that I could do just as good a job as you, and faster too.”


“Well, it does look like you did a good job,” Jim says, looking around.  “But why are you all bundled up?”


“I know how to read,” she snaps.  “The can said, ‘For best results put on two coats.’”

(トークラインのご利用者様にお送りしている4月8日付のHANDOUTの一部で、The Reader’s Digestからの転載です)