英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Upgrading Your Family Car for Less – Mum’s the Word


Three men died and went to heaven.  Upon their arrival, St. Peter asked each of them if he had been faithful to his wife.  The first man admitted that he had been unfaithful to his wife twice.  St. Peter told him that he could receive only a small car in heaven.  The second man admitted he had been unfaithful to his wife only once, and he was given a family car.  The third man said that he had been true to his wife until the day he died.  St. Peter praised him, and gave him a luxury car.


A week later the three men were driving around.  When they stopped at a red light, the men in the small and family cars saw the man in the luxury car crying.  It was inconceivable to them considering that he was driving a luxury car, and they asked him why.


“I just passed my wife,” he told them.  “She was on a skateboard.”


He knew that the man in the small car had been unfaithful to his wife twice.  His own wife was not given even a small car, and was on a skateboard.  That meant, he regretfully deduced, that his wife to whom he had been truly faithful until the day he died had been …  He had been certain that he and his wife had been faithful to each other, and had left this world quite contentedly.  But he found out the truth about her, after he died, and his surprise and sorrow combined together was devastating enough to make him cry.