英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Brunch After Church: Enjoy a Great Meal with Family and Friends – Brunch Cafe



I used to meet a quiet, middle-aged lady at a grocery store.  I had never seen a person who shopped in the thriftiest way possible as she did.


One day I told her how I admired her way of shopping.  She said “I suppose it runs in my family,” and continued, “My grandmother brought me up on a farm in Vermont, and she would never cut the lettuce on a Sunday till she returned from church.”  I had no idea how church and lettuce and thriftiness were related.  So, I asked her “Why?”


Then she said, “Why?  So the lettuce might grow a little more while Granny was at church!”


For her grandmother, it was out of the question to cut lettuce before going to church so that breakfast was ready waiting for her family when they came home from church.  It was a pity for her for the part of the lettuce which would have grown while she was at church to be wasted unused.  The lady, who had been instilled the habit of thriftiness by that grandmother, had become an impressively thrifty person in shopping for everyone around her.