英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Indicted? Charged? A guide to court jargon



In a Charlotte, N. C., domestic relations court, a trial was being underway.  An elderly man had been charged by his estranged wife with nonsupport because he didn’t give enough money for her to live.


After examining all the papers from both sides, the judge made a ruling.  He told the defendant, “You haven’t taken proper care of this good woman and I’m going to give her $25 a month.


On hearing this, the defendant beamed with pleasure, and said, “How kind of you, Your Honor!  Thank you very much.  I’ll try to give her a dollar or two myself from time to time.”


What the judge meant was, “I rule that the husband pay his wife $25 a month.”  But the husband, who was unfamiliar with the court jargon, understood it exactly as it sounded.  Having misunderstood that the judge himself would give $25 a month to his wife on his behalf, the man thanked profusely to the judge.