英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Blog: The ugly truth of office politics ? People Matters



An efficiency expert came up to two clerks in a government office in Washington, and asked one of them, “What do you do here?”  Because the clerk was fed up with red tape, buck-passing, forms, office politics and, most of all, efficiency experts, he answered bluntly, “I don’t do a thing!”


The efficiency expert noted something, and asked the other clerk, “And you, what’s your job here?”  The clerk, too, was feeling the same way as the first one, so he replied, “I don’t do a thing, either.”


To hear this, the efficiency expert’s face lighted up.  He said, “Both of you are aware  that your works are duplicated each other, aren’t you?”


The efficiency expert’s job was to visit offices every day, and to point out the inefficient part to the workers.  On today’s visit, he asked two clerks what they did at the office, and got the same answer from both of them.  He concluded that the two clerks were doing the same work.  The find was an achievement for him of the day.