英文添削に挑戦【英会話を電話、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Full-service gas station still around in Sulphur


A young woman is sitting behind the wheel in her stalled car.  She has an unwavering belief that someone would come forward to help her.  Sure enough, two men walk up to her.  “I’m out of fuel.  Could you push me to a service station?”  she purrs as rehearsed.


“No problem!” one says.  “With pleasure!” says the other.  And the two men begin pushing the car.  After a while, one of the men looks up to see that they have just passed the service station he had expected to be the goal of their labor.  “Miss, how come you didn’t turn in?”  he deplores.


“I never go there,“ the woman says.  And explains, “They don’t have full service.”


The woman doesn’t like self-service stations, because she either doesn’t know how to fuel a car, or doesn’t like doing it herself, and she is expecting the two men to continue pushing her car until they find a full-service station.  Making an effort on her side like trying to fuel her car for the first time in her life at the self-service station she has just passed, or becoming a little more pushy to ask the two men to fuel the car for her is nowhere on her agenda.