ジョークを英語で解釈してみましょう【英会話を電話、携帯、スマホ、スカイプで トークライン】

画像引用:Travel Companions: Takes these 4 things on your next trip



When air lines were young and people were wary of flying, a promotion man suggested to one of the lines that they permit wives of businessmen to accompany their husbands free, just to prove that flying was safe.


The idea was quickly adopted, and a record kept of the names of those who accepted the proposition.


In due time the air line sent a letter to those wives, asking how they enjoyed the trip.


From 90 percent of them came back a baffled reply, “What airplane trip?”

(トークラインのご利用者様にお送りしている10月7日付のHANDOUTの一部で、The Reader’s Digestからの転載です)